Wednesday, March 1, 2017

week 5: Arizona

    California has its ocean views and some really awesome food. New York has the fun busy city life... and some more really awesome food. But one state that is highly overlooked in it's scenery and its food is Arizona. Being from there, I may be a bit biased, but there really is so much that State 48 has to offer. First of all, nothing beats a pretty desert scene with big saguaros and giant mountains. In Sedona, you'll see red rocks dotted with deep green pine trees. Of course, there is also one of the seven wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. Arizona is even prettier up north in winter, when all the red, taupe, and beige tones are blanketed in fresh white snow. And one of the prettiest things you'll ever see is an Arizona sunset, which for some reason is even deeper and more colorful than anywhere else. The wild dust storms, technically known as haboobs, are really something to watch and are usually followed by beautiful lightning shows. Another thing that makes Arizona so great is all  of the cool universities it offers. NAU is way up north with the pine forests and snow. ASU is in the middle of Tempe, one of the liveliest and coolest cities in the whole state. UofA is located in Tuscon which is mostly desert and one of the prettiest areas in AZ. Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix also have some of the best foods ever from pizza to giant ice cream sundaes. It also surprisingly has some of the best sushi places (some even better than ones in California) This gorgeous state has so many beautiful places and things to see and deserves way more recognition. It is definitely the best state for sunsets, hikes, and some seriously yummy snacks.

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