Wednesday, April 12, 2017

week 10: the friendzone

    A lot of people now a days like to complain about being stuck in "the friendzone" . I, for one, think that the friendzone is total bullshit. There is the rare occasion of girls claiming to be stuck in the friendzone but they are far and few in between. The friendzone is an excuse, usually used by guys. So, I guess my gripe is with guys using the friendzone. My problem with this term is the fact that guys like to use it to place blame on the other person. It is nothing but a tool to make it seem like they could do nothing wrong. Instead of complaining about being stuck in the friendzone, you could be doing a lot more with your time. Such as trying harder to win the person over or even moving on. (crazy, I know.) Some people try to use it as a way to not take "no" as an answer, which in most cases is the wrong thing to do. There is nothing wrong with kind gestures to show someone you care, but there is a fine line between caring and overbearing. Once you cross the overbearing line there is no "friendzone" there is just the "please leave me alone zone". Many people, (again, usually guys) like to use the friendzone as a way to cover up embarrassment from being turned down. It is the same defense mechanism as when they call girls ugly when they are told no. It is nothing more than another band-aid to patch up their fragile male egos. Some guys just cant handle the fact that some people don't see them in a romantic way and resort to lashing out. People who claim to have been friendzone are people who have given up but do not want to admit defeat. The friendzone is a pathetic and embarrassing mental concept that people create for themselves when they either don't want to hear the truth, or are too proud. The worst thing about the friendzone is that it makes the other person look bitchy which is almost never the case. So, since it is 2017 and times are changing, we should all agree to stop making each other look bad. This should be the year we all agree to let go of the idea of friendzoning and accept the fact that we are the cause for our own romantic mishaps.

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